A7 Handmade Textured Stainless Steel Bowls

"... stylish, elegant, and bespoke metalwork ..."


The texture of these bespoke hand forged stainless steel bowls was inspired by the rock formations of the Jurassic Coast.

The bowls were forged from 6mm thick stainless steel that was textured and shaped using repeated blows from specially made hammers. Each handmade bowl has a different interior and exterior finish, and every bowl and texture is utterly unique and individual. No two are, and can ever be, made the same. The bowls were cleaned with acid to remove the firescale and hand polished to enhance and highlight the metal's rich and natural looking texture and to lend them a very pleasing tactile feel. The edges of the bowls have been satin polished as an accent and to contrast with the forged texture.

Handmade textured stainless steel bowl
The bowls are between 6" and 8" across and weigh around 1200g to 1500g